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World Beer Awards

The World Beer Awards 2024 competition has officially ended. Follow the World Drinks Awards website and social channels to stay up to date with future competitions!

Dates for your diary:
  • Entry Deadline (Taste & Design) – 29 April 2025
  • Shipping Deadline – 27 May 2025
  • Winners Announced: 13 August 2025

  • To view winners for the World Beer Awards 2024, click here to see the full winners list.

    What are the World Beer Awards?
    The World Beer Awards are the global awards selecting the very best internationally recognised beer styles. Our annual tasting selects, awards and promotes the best beers to consumers and the trade throughout the world. Beers must be generally available and for sale, which can be on and off trade, local or international.

    Whether you're a seasoned brewer or just starting out, participating in the World Beer Awards is an exciting way to gain exposure for your brand and connect with other beer lovers, regionally and from across the globe. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to get noticed in the ever-expanding world of beer!

    Who should enter the World Beer Awards?
    The World Beer Awards are for any passionate brewers, agents, importers, wholesalers, retailers or breweries, who believe they have an exceptional product that the world needs to taste.

    Why enter the World Beer Awards?
    1. Demonstrate your product's quality with individual assessments from our esteemed global judging panel, each expertly chosen for their proficiency in your specific drinks category. Taste and quality are the sole criteria that hold significance in our blind evaluation process.
    2. Claim victory and empower consumers in their purchasing journey. Amidst the overwhelming array of products on shelves, being an award winner sets you apart, helping consumers to make informed choices.
    3. Unlock exclusive benefits at no cost – receive complimentary logos and certificates to showcase your triumph and boost your brand image. All winning assets remain accessible on your online profile. Explore a diverse array of tailor-made promotional materials, curated specifically for your win.
    4. Garner global recognition as every winner earns a dedicated profile and a direct link to their website on, a platform frequented by thousands monthly
    5. Amplify your brand's visibility with coverage of award winners across our influential social media channels, ensuring your success reaches a vast global audience.

    How to enter the World Beer Awards
    1. Head on over to and log in to your account, or register if this is your first time entering.
    2. Tell us about you, your brand and the award-worthy product you want to submit.
    3. Go to the checkout and pay the entrance fee to finish your registration.
    4. Ship your product to us and we’ll take it from there!

    Get in touch if you have any questions: +44 (0)1603 633 808

    Icons of Beer

    Welcome to the Icons of Beer

    We are delighted to say that the Icons of Beer Awards are now open for entries and we are introducing our new online entry system. You can simply make your applications through your customer profile.

    The Icons of Beer Awards are a celebration of the years of hard work that go into every bottle. From the brewers themselves and brand ambassadors, to visitor centre managers, and the industry’s communicators – a great deal of craftsmanship, skill and knowledge are imparted at each stage of the process.

    This is our way of saying thank you to the individuals and producers for their dedication to each innovative release, visitor experience or expert retail service, delivered in a tireless fashion.

    Taste categories

    Dark Beer

    American Style Brown Ale

    ABV Range: 4.2-6.3%
    SRM: 10-35
    Amber to dark brown. Medium to low roast, caramel and chocolate-like aromas; hop flavour may deliver a citrusy character while bitterness is medium low to medium high. Body is medium to medium full.

    Barley Wine

    ABV Range: 8-12%
    SRM: 11-22
    Tawny copper to dark brown. Suggestive blast of vinous fruit on aroma and palate with biscuity malt and spicy hops throughout. Bittersweet in finish but with a good balance of hop bitterness; fatness of mouth feel from alcoholic strength, plus spirituous fieriness/booziness in young examples. American-style barley wines have a higher sense of bitterness and New World hop character than British-style.

    Belgian Style Dubbel

    ABV Range: 6-7.5%
    SRM: 10-36
    Amber to dark copper. Rich sweet maltiness on the nose suggestive of chocolate, toasted brioche or caramel; the nose can also feature dried fruit such as raisins as well as a hint of pepperiness from the hop; sometimes banana-like esters are also present. Rich on the palate with chocolate, toastiness or caramel, along with dried fruit — bitterness is medium and no spices (but if spices are used their character should be subtle). Medium to high carbonation. Includes Trappist ales of similar strength and color.

    Belgian Style Strong

    ABV Range: 8-12%
    SRM: 9-35
    Amber to deep copper brown. Expect dark chocolate, coffee, raisins, peppery hop and warming alcohol notes on the nose; palate also features chocolate, coffee, dark fruits, expressions of malt complexity and a long characterful finish. Covers beers that come under the Trappist and Abbey appellations, as well as Quadruples.

    English Style Brown Ale

    ABV Range: 3-5.5%
    SRM: 12-22
    Warm fermented, malty aroma and palate, often with chocolate, caramel, nutty, coffee or liquorice notes. A light hop character but should not be dominant. Bittersweet finish with biscuity, malt and chocolate/coffee notes. Should not be roasty.


    ABV Range: 3.2-6%
    SRM: 12-40
    Dark in color though there is also a British tradition of light-colored milds. Aroma is delicate and malt-accented with elements of caramel, grain, chocolate, mocha or light roastiness. Low bitterness on the palate with the emphasis on malt character, which can suggest chocolate, weak coffee, dark fruits or caramel, while the finish can be dry or sweet. Anything described as a Double or Imperial Mild (above 6% ABV) should go into Strong.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 9-35
    Amber to deep copper brown. Vinous fruit and roasted grain on the nose with peppery hop. Fruit and grain dominate the palate, but bitter hops can balance fruit and malt in the finish. Can also include Strong or Imperial Brown Ale, Wee Heavy, Old Ale, Alt Stikke and Doppelstikke.


    ABV Range: 4.3-5.6%.
    SRM: 11-17
    Amber to copper colored. Medium-low to medium malt aroma alongside a recognizable but unobtrusive hop spiciness and subtle fruity esters — mild roast notes can sometimes be present. Rich malt character that can contrast well with a subtle peppery, spicy hop character, alongside light fruity esters; medium-bodied mouth feel. Clean, crisp, and flavorful with a dry bittersweet finish.
    Flavoured Beer

    Chocolate & Coffee

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 5-40
    Any cold or warm fermented beer made with the addition of chocolate or coffee. Aroma and palate determined by the ingredient used.

    Note: Does not include coffee and/or chocolate Stouts and Porters.

    Fruit & Vegetable

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 5-40
    Any beer made with addition of fruits or vegetables. Aroma and palate determined by type of fruit/vegetable added.

    Note: Not made by spontaneous fermentation.

    Herb & Spice

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 5-40
    Any cold or warm fermented beer made with an addition of herbs and spices, can also include ingredients such as heather, tea, flowers, hemp, botanicals or ginger as well as vegetables — aromas and palate determined by type of adjunct used.

    Honey & Maple Syrup

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 5-40
    Any cold or warm fermented beer made with addition of honey or maple syrup as well as extracts and flavorings — aromas and palate determined by type of honey/maple used.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 5-40
    Any cold or warm fermented beer, brewed with smoked or smoked kiln malt. Rauchbier is associated with the Franconian city of Bamberg, using malt kilned over beech wood fires. Other variations on smoke flavored beer can include the use of peat smoked barley. Aroma and palate can range from intense char to delicate peat smokiness.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Beers made with an addition of spirits, integrating the spirit taste into the beer.

    Wood Aged

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Beer that has been aged for a period in a wooden barrel or has been in contact with wood. Aromas and palate determined by type of wood, such as new oak, used sherry, Bourbon, Scotch, port, wine etc., barrels. Includes barrel-aged stouts and porters.

    Flavoured Stout & Porter

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 25+
    Any stout or porter made with the addition of one or more of the many flavors used in brewing (can include ‘pastry’ stouts as well as ones flavored with coffee and/or chocolate). Spiced stout or porter remains in this category.

    Flavoured Wild & Sour Beer

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Beers flavored with added ingredients that can include fruit, spices and/or herbs; they can also make use of wild yeast strains, lactobacillus and/or pediococcus; can be either historical or modern. Quenching, refreshing and tart with added flavor well integrated without overwhelming the rest of the beer. Can also include flavored Berliner Weiss and Gose, though not Framboise, Kriek or other Fruit Lambics.

    Radlers & Beer Mixes

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: varies
    This includes Radler; Alsterwasser; Russ. Any beer with the addition of Lemonade (fruit flavors can vary); Cola or similar, with a ratio between of roughly 40:60 of either liquid. Beer styles used can vary. Aroma and palate are determined by the type of soft drink and beer style, both needing to be recognizable. Key is good harmony and balance of flavors, sweet & sourness.


    ABV Range: 7-8.5%
    SRM: 6-14
    Golden to light orange. Assertive and bolshy; hint of allium savouriness on the nose along deep booming citrus notes; plenty of citrus and tropical fruit on the palate, all balanced by a firm spine of malt. Long dry finish with plenty of bitterness showing through. Can exceed ABV range and can include triple IPA.


    ABV Range : 3.5-4.5%
    SRM : 5-10
    Gold to light orange. Hop character to the fore on the aromatics (citrus, tropical fruit, pine), citrus/tropical fruit on the palate, medium bodied, dry bitter finish. American versions can exceed ABV range.

    American Style

    ABV Range: 4.8-7.5%
    SRM: 6-14
    Powerful hop resins and juicy citrus/tropical fruit on the nose with light malt. Light malt character on the palate, grainy or biscuity; but main impact comes from hop resins and citrus/tropical fruit. Pale or light bronze. Can include West Coast, East Coast, Mountain and Cold versions.

    English Style

    ABV Range: 4.7-7.5%
    SRM: 6-14
    Golden to deep amber in color. Aromas are floral, spicy-peppery or citrus-orange, low to moderate fruitiness. Hop character on palate is similar to aroma with a light biscuity, toffee-like maltiness in the background. Finish is dry with a lingering bitterness.


    ABV Range: 5-7.5%
    SRM: 5-19
    Includes Fruit, Rye, Red, Belgian, White, Honey, Brut, Sour, Smoothie, etc.
    This is a catch-all style that recognizes the boundary-pushing activities of brewers with IPA. The beer should be recognizable as an IPA by balance — a hop-forward, bitter, dryish beer — but with something else present to distinguish it from the standard categories. Brewers should notify what makes their IPA a speciality. Can exceed ABV and SRM range.

    See below for definitions of most common speciality IPAs:
    • Belgian - IPA demonstrating the fruitiness and spiciness that Belgian yeast gives.
    • Fruit - Use of fruits that can accentuate either the citrus or tropical fruit character of the hops.
    • Rye - Hoppy and bitter, American hops with the rye contributing to a dry finish as well as to the mouthfeel.
    • Red - Hoppy, bitter and moderately strong with caramel, toffee and/or rich fruit malt character.
    • White - Fruity, spicy and refreshing version of an American IPA, featuring either distinctive yeast or spice additions typical of a witbier.
    • Brut - Pale, dry, slightly effervescent, light grape-like fruitiness alongside the hop character.


    ABV Range: 4.7-7.5%
    SRM: 25-40
    Color ranging from dark chestnut to the darkness of a moonless night. Manages to combine the rich tropical fruit/ripe peach skin/grapefruit notes of an American IPA with a hint of dark malts, though roastiness should be light. Palate is a mixture of light and shade with big hop character (grapefruit/lychee/orange perhaps) contrasted with a tarry (but not roast) dark maltiness. Lasting finish. Imperial versions accepted, also called India Dark Ale, Cascadian Dark and Hoppy Black Beer/Ale.

    Milkshake IPA/New England IPA

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 4-10
    Light gold to dark orange in colour. Hazy. Hops generally used during fermentation, rather than the boil, which cuts down on the bitterness and the kind of hops used give it a juicy, tropical fruit character. Unfiltered, which means they are hazy. Often have added oats which gives a smooth mouth feel. Many are brewed with lactose and fruit purée (even though fruit puree is added it remains in this category rather than going into fruit IPA) to create a “milkshake” taste.
    In all the style categories where a clear and bright beer is expected, a slight level of haziness is acceptable and will not be treated as a failure.


    ABV Range: 4.8-6%
    SRM: 10-26
    Rich malt aroma with a very lightly toasted element but no roasty notes; malt elegance on the palate with a rich toasty note, some caramel, medium body, no significant roast flavors. Bittersweet finish with malt to the fore but with a light bitterness and dryness; crisp and clean. Amber in color.


    ABV Range: 6.3-7.2%
    SRM: 14-30
    Traditional bocks are copper to dark. Toasty, bready flavors and caramel notes are present, while hop bitterness is only there as a complement to the malt, clean. No burnt character. These are not Doppelbocks. Helles Bock are lighter in color and grouped in with Maibocks (see Seasonal category).

    Czech Style Pale

    ABV Range: 3.5-5.5%
    SRM: 3-7
    Including and influenced by Czech Pilsners, color ranges from pale to deep yellow gold; toasted grain and floral, herbal, grassy hop aromas. Ripe, juicy malt and tangy hops with light citrus fruit in the mouth. Long, lingering finish, balanced between malt dryness and hop bitterness. Medium body. ‘Spezials’ can exceed ABV range. Low diacetyl is acceptable but doesn’t have to be present; can also include beers designated as Specianli, Kvasnicové (“yeast beer”) and 10°.

    Dark Lager

    ABV Range: 4.4-5.6%
    SRM: 14-28
    Deep copper to dark brown. Malt-accented with dark grain, chocolate, and coffee notes. Hops are light but give good solid underpinning to the malt. Includes Dunkel, Schwarzbier and Tmavy (and Cerné) Ležák (with the latter low to moderate diacetyl is acceptable). Can exceed ABV range.


    ABV Range: 5-6%
    SRM: 4-7
    Light gold to deep gold. Rich and mellow toasted malt on aroma and palate, with spicy hops and some light citrus fruit in the mouth and the palate. Low level of sulfur is acceptable.


    ABV Range: 4.8-5.6%
    SRM: 3-5
    Light to heavy gold in color with malt sweetness and a light dusting of floral and spicy hops on aroma and palate. Clean tasting with a long gentle finish of malt and light hop bitterness. A low level of sulfur is acceptable. Can include Austrian Märzen.

    Seasonal: Oktoberfestbier/Märzen

    ABV Range: 5.8-6.3%
    SRM: 4-17
    Deep gold to amber in color, clean, toasty, bready and rich; soft sweetness; hop character restrained; medium body; dry finish.

    Note: Please see Helles/Münchner for information about Austrian Märzen.


    ABV Range: 6.5-14%
    SRM: 6-35
    Deep gold to dark brown. This includes Dunkler Doppelbock, Doppelbock and Eisbock. Heady alcoholic nose with a grainy maltiness (alcohol should be integrated and not too ‘hot’); medium- to full-bodied; can have a medium sweetness and a medium carbonation; possibility of roasty malt notes reminiscent of chocolate, dry fruits and coffee.

    International Lager

    ABV Range: 4.6-6%
    SRM: 2-6
    A highly attenuated pale lager without strong flavors, typically well-balanced and highly carbonated — in the tradition of typical international lagers such as Asahi Super Dry, Corona Extra and Heineken. Served cold, it is refreshing and thirst-quenching. A light amount of DMS or corn aroma is not a fault.

    Classic Pilsener

    ABV Range: 4.4-5.3%
    SRM: 2-5
    Straw to light gold in color; light graininess on the nose alongside delicate flowery/citrusy notes. Crisp on the mouth feel, with notes of mellow toasted grain and juicy citrus, followed by a dry finish alongside a lingering clean bitterness. No diacetyl. Dry hopped Pilseners should go into the Hoppy Pilsener category.

    Hoppy Pilsener

    ABV Range: 4.4-6.5%
    SRM: 3-9
    Pale gold to light amber, this covers lagers that have been dry hopped (usually, but not always, with New World varieties); clean hop aroma, citrusy, floral, piney and/or fruity. Rich complex maltiness with a soft to high bitterness. Can include India Pale Lager.

    Zwickl/Pale Kellerbier

    ABV Range: 4.5-5.5%
    SRM: 2-15
    Pale to light amber in color, usually cloudy (unfiltered), more on the hoppy side (more or less an unfiltered Pilsener), may have some malty sweetness, quite bitter finish. Rather high carbonation, no dry-hopping.

    Amber/Dark Kellerbier & Rotbier

    ABV Range: 4.8-5.8%
    SRM: 10-25
    Amber to dark brown in color, usually cloudy (unfiltered), well-balanced or even more malty aroma, only very low level of roasted malt. Caramel crystal malt is typical also some malt sweetness. Rather low carbonation, no dry-hopping, low level of diacetyl allowed. With the Rotbier, some of them may have experienced low level barrel ageing so aromas of vanilla and caramel are allowed as well as low level dry hopping.

    Seasonal: Maibock/Helles Bock

    ABV Range: Varies but not to exceed 8%
    SRM: 6-11
    Deep gold to light amber in color; grainy-sweet malt with a light toastiness and often a delicate floral/spicy note on nose; grainy sweet malt and some toasty notes on the palate, may have moderate hop bitterness, clean and well-attenuated, moderately dry finish.


    ABV Range: 2.6-4.5%
    SRM: Varies
    Lagers that will have been specifically brewed to have a low carbohydrate and calorie content.
    No & Low Alcohol


    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: Varies
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Flavoured category.


    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: Varies
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Dark category.

    Wheat Beer

    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: 2-12
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Wheat category.


    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: Varies
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Lager category.


    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: 4-12
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Pale category.


    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: 5-40
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the IPA category.

    Sour & Wild

    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: Varies
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Sour/Wild category.


    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: Varies
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Speciality category.

    Stout & Porter

    ABV Range: < 2.5%
    SRM: 17-40
    No or low alcohol versions of any style in the Stout & Porter category.
    Pale Beer

    Amber (Incl. Irish Reds)

    ABV Range: 4-7%
    SRM: 10-17
    Reddish-brown in color. Definite malt character on the palate with caramel-influenced earthiness, toffee, milky coffee hints and a restrained roastiness; hop bitterness is medium while the fruitiness can range from a delicate citrus character to American style assertiveness. Medium body.

    Barley Wine

    ABV Range: 8-12%
    SRM: 8-11
    Vinous fruit and malt sweetness on aroma and palate alongside biscuity malt and spicy hops throughout. Bittersweet in finish but with good bitter hop balance; American-style barley wines have a bigger hop character working in conjunction with the malt. Full-bodied. Color ranges from dark gold to light amber. Can also include wheat wine.

    Belgian Style Blonde

    ABV Range: 6-7.5%
    SRM: 4-7
    Light to deep gold. Honeyed sweetish nose with citrus notes and a hint of candy sugar sweetness, sometimes banana esters make an appearance; palate is a balance of moderate-to-high carbonation, creamy maltiness, light honey, bitterness is low, citrus, hints of phenolic-like spiciness and dry finish.

    Belgian Style Strong

    ABV Range: 7-11%
    SRM: 3.5-10
    Ripe banana and pear notes on the nose with spicy hoppiness and a peppery suggestion of alcohol, can also include estery/citrusy notes from the yeast; rich fruity palate with pear-like esters often to the fore, grainy, cereal notes mid palate, warming alcohol, spicy hop and a fruity, dry finish. Color ranges from pale gold to copper. Medium to high carbonation and some can have a light body for a beer of its strength; not to be confused with a Tripel. May contain spices like coriander.

    Belgian Style Triple

    ABV Range: 7.5-9.5%
    SRM: 4-9
    Pale to medium amber. Complex honeyed nose with delicate orange notes (though also some banana-like esters), a restrained sweetness and even a hint of pineapple and ripe peach skin; can also have a perfumed hoppiness. The mouth feel on the palate is full with rich citrus and tropical fruit notes, a creamy maltiness and a bittersweet and often warming finish. Moderate to high carbonation. May contain spices like coriander.

    Biére De Garde/Saison

    ABV Range: 6.5-8%
    SRM: 4-14
    This also includes Farmhouse ales. Warm fermented but may use lager yeast. Saison has a flinty, spicy, peppery nose with spice, hops, herbal notes, a restrained sweetness, and a dry finish; bière de garde is a very close cousin, though it classically has a deeper malt character. May be pale, copper, or russet. There may be also a Brettanomyces character giving a slightly acidic, horsey or leather-like note (Farmhouse Ales). Traditional saisons (i.e. Pre-WW2 Style) can exceed ABV range.

    Bitter Over 5.5%

    ABV Range: > 5.5%
    SRM: 5-12
    Estery nose, suggestive of soft fruit, banana perhaps, along with Seville orange style citrus plus an undercurrent of rich biscuity malt (bitters with US or Aus/NZ hops will show different aromatic and fruity characteristics); palate is thicker, fatter than bitters of a lower ABV, fruity, has a firm malty backbone, and an assertive bittersweet finish that swells with time. Low carbonation. Can include ESBs.

    Bitter Up To 4.5%

    ABV Range: Up To 4.5%
    SRM: 8-16
    Grainy, bittersweet nose with a dash of citrus or tropical fruit hoppiness; the palate is bittersweet, biscuity, light, citrusy leading to a dry bittersweet finish. Medium to moderately high bitterness. Low carbonation. Pale amber to medium copper, though some might nudge the golden edge of the spectrum.

    Cream Ales

    ABV Range: 4.2-7.5%
    SRM: 2-5
    Light floral, spicy or herbal nose with sweet corn notes and even DMS at low levels; palate is well-attenuated and crisp with low-to-moderate malty sweetness and low hop bitterness with neither dominating, and a low-to-medium sweetcorn flavor common. Traditionally a sparkling ale version of American light lager.

    Golden Ales

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 2-7
    Light maltiness features, citrus fruit, well-defined hop aroma (UK or New World varieties) and mellow bitterness. Light yellow to deep gold in color, clear to brilliant. Juicy malt on palate and the finish has continuing hop bitterness and fruit.


    ABV Range: 4.5-5%
    SRM: 3-6
    Soft hint of fruit on nose (possibly strawberry, pear, apple, or Riesling-style grape); palate is soft, creamy with light fruit and perfume-like hops; body is light to medium-light; slightly dry but also crisp. Modern Kolsch can show more bitterness (though not an overwhelming bitterness) while the ester fruitiness is dialed down.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 2-14
    Includes summer ales, which have a golden hue and lightness in their malt and hop footprint; ruddier harvest and autumnal beers that make use of the new season’s malt and hops; also includes green hop beers

    Belgian Style Ale

    ABV Range: 4-7%
    SRM: 8-14
    Amber in color, though can veer towards golden shades; nose can feature mild notes of caramel, gently toasted Demerara and delicate fruitiness (possibly orange). Palate can feature caramel, some roasted malt, fruit (orange or even banana), a very slight undercurrent of yeast spiciness (though not as assertive as found in other Belgian styles), while finish is crisp, dry and restrained in its bitterness. Can also include beers styled as Speciale

    Bitter 4.5 to 5.5%

    ABV Range: 4.5-5.5%
    SRM: 5-14
    Grainy, bittersweet nose as with the other bitters, with a slightly greater ABV, and even more pronounced tropical fruit and citrus notes; the palate is bittersweet, biscuity, full, citrusy leading to a dry bittersweet finish. Fuller mouthfeel. Low carbonation.

    American Style Pale Ale

    ABV Range: 4.4-5.5%
    SRM: 6-14
    Deep gold to copper or light brown; moderate to strong fruit on nose with hop aromas showing off fruity, floral US hops. Fruity and hoppy on palate, medium bodied, bitterness in finish alongside dryness.
    Includes New England/Hazy/Juicy Pale Ale.

    English Style Pale Ale

    ABV Range: 4.4-5.8%
    SRM: 5-12
    Gold to copper in color. Light maltiness and delicate earthy, herbal English hops on the nose; medium bodied with biscuity maltiness, fruity citrus and a bitter finish.

    Brazilian Pale Ale

    ABV Range: 3.8-5%
    SRM: 3-7
    Color is pale to gold, high foam formation, with good duration. Chill haze is acceptable. Medium-low to medium intensity of malt aroma and flavor, with hints of cereal, bread crust, no caramel. Slightly sweet finish. Aroma and flavor of typical Brazilian hops with medium to medium-high bitterness with floral, herbal and/or light citrus fruity aromas. Fermentation characteristics has topical yellow fruit esters present at medium to medium-high levels. May have a slight spice reminiscent of cloves. Medium-low to moderate body, high drinkability, crispy finish.
    Sour & Wild Beer


    ABV Range: 4-5%
    SRM: 3-20
    Pale gold to amber gold (though there can be darker versions, where there is a possibility of a roasty or even smoky aroma); can be hazy; tart, light lemon, slightly spicy from the use of coriander, fresh ozone on the nose due to salt being added; tart and refreshing on the palate; finish can be dry and lemony (flavored Gose goes into the Flavored category). Sourness can be quite low or even absent, saltiness and coriander should always be clearly noticiable.


    ABV Range: 4-8%
    SRM: 6-28
    Lambic into which cherries have been added; the result is tart, sour and dry. Some breweries have started adding sugar and/or cherry juice, which results in a much sweeter Kriek.

    Sour & Wild Ale

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Modern contemporary beer that makes use of either wild yeast strains, lactobacillus and/or pediococcus without being influenced by historical styles; can be kettle-soured or aged in wood. Can be quenching, refreshing, tart and complex, show earthy, ‘barnyard’ notes influenced by Brettanomyces or lactic-style acidity; also included dry-hopped variants though hop character should be well-integrated into the beer and not over dominate.

    Berliner Weisse

    ABV Range: 2.8-5%
    SRM: 2-4
    Tart and refreshing; low in bitterness; light in color; low in alcohol. Normally fermented with multiple yeasts/wild yeasts/bacteria (incl. Brettanomyces). Can be hazy, has a high carbonation. Flavored versions go into the Flavored category. There are also wood aged and strong versions and versions with the use of herbs (woodruff) and fruits (though the latter should go into Flavored).

    Oud Bruin

    ABV Range: 4.8-6%
    SRM: 12-25
    Blend of old and young beer aged in stainless steel, sometimes called East Flanders Brown. Red brown in color with sweet-sour aromas on the nose, sometimes reminiscent of vinegar. The palate is fruity, quenching, gently tart, with hints of dark malts, vanilla, caramel sweetness and sometimes sour cherry.

    Flanders Red Ale

    ABV Range: 4.6-6.5%
    SRM: 10-16
    Blend of old and young beers that have been aged in wood; sometimes called West Flanders Red. Deep red in color with a good clarity. Nose is sour, fruity and vinous; on the palate acidity is balanced by fruitiness (could be reminiscent of plum, cherry or orange), red wine tannic-like dryness in the finish. Grand Crus can exceed ABV range.


    ABV Range: 5.3-8%
    SRM: 3-14
    Gold to light amber. Blend of Lambics of several ages producing a champagne style spritziness, grapefruit tanginess and a long dry finish.


    ABV Range: 5-7.5%
    SRM: 3-12
    Gold to medium amber. Tart acidic beers fermented with wild yeast — sharp grapefruit/lemon nose with earthy ‘horse-blanket’ notes and an acidic, quenching and refreshing palate and a dry finish.


    ABV Range: 5-7%
    SRM: 3-14
    Lambic into which raspberries have been added; the result is tart, fruity, sour and dry.

    Fruit Lambic

    ABV Range: 4-7%
    SRM: 3-14
    Beer with Oud Bruin/Lambic base flavored with various fruits (excluding cherries or raspberries), featuring tart, slightly acidic notes plus earthy ‘horse-blanket’ character; some will be sweeter than others. The color will represent the choice of fruit.

    Catharina Sour

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Moderate to low foam formation and retention. Malt aroma and flavor reminiscent of bread, wheat and/or oats. Hop aroma and flavor are low and no evident bitterness. Fermentation characteristics have at first a lactic fermentation hint, that gives a clean sensorial profile of moderate to light acidity. Diacetyl must not be present. The body is low to medium-low. The finish is refreshing, crispy dry to medium-dry, depending on fruit added. Background: style is a way of interpreting Berliner Weisse, because of the rich German heritage in southern Brazil. This also means that it is not only possible to have lactic acid/kettle sour beers, but also wild fermentation/Brettanomyces.
    Speciality Beer

    Brut Beers

    ABV Range: 5-12%
    SRM: 4-20
    Warm fermented. Color ranges from pale to a hefty dark brown verging on black. The nose can be fresh and sparkling, with the aromatics including a delicate burst of citrus alongside medicinal, yeasty herbal notes; the palate is brisk with a high carbonation, soft and moussec-like mouth feel and includes herbal and lemony notes, while the finish has a champagne-like dryness. As well as being imbued with the spritziness of champagne, it can often remind the drinker of a dry dessert wine such as Monbazillac. Can exceed ABV range. Brut IPA should go into the speciality IPA section.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Anything that will not fit any other style and is something completely new and special. If an experimental beer has been submitted, please tell us why it is experimental.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Can be ales, lagers or wheat beers, but must have less than 20 parts per million gluten (20ppm).


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Cold fermented and brewed with high proportion of rice (but not enough to be classified as Happoshu).


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 10-20
    Beer made with a high proportion (15%) of rye. Warm fermented, big dark and spicy malt aroma with dark fruit and peppery hops. Bready, biscuity, grainy palate with dark fruit and hops. For Rye IPA see Speciality IPA.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: 10-14
    Medium amber to light copper color. A hybrid beer with elements of both lager and ale in its character, usually achieved by using lager yeasts at ale fermentation temperatures. Highly effervescent. Also known as California Common.

    Heritage beers

    ABV Range: 3.5-4.7%
    SRM: 3-6
    This can include Grodziskie, Lichtenhainer, pre-Prohibition lager and any other historical beer being brought back to life in small-scale production.

    Grape Ale

    ABV Range: 6.5-8%
    SRM: Varies
    Brewing process that uses grapes, grape juice, grape must, grape lees, and/or wine barrels during fermentation and/or conditioning. Color can vary according to the malt and grape varieties used. Aroma and palate should feature evidence of the grape, balanced with malt and hops, though it should have a self-evidently grape-like fruitiness. Medium to high carbonation, a low to medium body. Dry and crisp finish. Acidity can be pleasant and help to intensify the dry sensation.


    ABV Range: 3.5-4.5%
    SRM: 2-6
    Light and refreshing beers with their origins in the Hainaut region in Belgium; low in alcohol, 3.5-4% (though there are double grisettes); medium bodied mouthfeel; light gold in color, quenching; dry finish; noticeable hop character.


    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: >30
    Any beer that has been through a freezing process to concentrate the alcohol content.
    Stout & Porter

    Imperial Stout

    ABV Range: > 6.5%
    SRM : > 30
    A potent stout. Roasted grain to the fore, with dark, burnt fruit and powerful bitterness, chocolate and coffee notes also apparent. A light caramel sweetness can also be evident. Dry finish.


    ABV Range: 4-6.5%
    SRM: 20-30
    Rich dark grain, coffee and chocolate aroma and palate with solid hop bitterness. Long and quenching finish, becoming dry and hoppy but with rich dark grain character. Creamy mouthfeel.

    Stout (Incl. Dry and Irish)

    ABV Range: 4-5%
    SRM: 25-50
    Roasted grain to the fore, with dark, burnt fruit, a crisp, crunchy dryness and hop bitterness that can be assertive in some (hints of ground espresso coffee beans can also be discerned). In some British stouts a light caramel sweetness can also be evident with hints of dark chocolate; oyster stouts can have an edge of palate acidity/brininess.

    Strong Porter

    ABV Range: 5.5-9.5%
    SRM: 17-30
    Dark reddish copper to opaque dark brown with rich malty sweetness which can be in tandem with notes of caramel, toffee, a hint of nuttiness, a light roastiness/toastiness and liquorice notes; creamy mouth feel. Can include Baltic and Imperial Porters.

    Milk Stout

    ABV Range: 3.2-4.8%
    SRM: 25-40
    A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty ale. Often tastes like sweetened espresso. Has a creamy mouthfeel usually due to the addition of lactose. Imperial Milk Stouts should go into Imperial Stout.

    Sweet Stout

    ABV Range: 3.2-4.8%
    SRM: 25-40
    Dark brown to black; light coffee and chocolate notes on the nose, low hop aroma. Dark roasted grains and malt on the palate giving a chocolate/coffee note; creamy mouth feel with high residual sweetness.

    Oatmeal Stout

    ABV Range: 3.8-7%
    SRM: 20-40
    Beers made with the addition of oatmeal to the grist or residual/added sugars. Full bodied mouthfeel with sweet caramel flavors, low bitterness.

    Tropical Stout

    ABV Range : 5.5-8%
    SRM: 30-40
    Dark brown to black in color; light roast notes on nose, accompanied by suggestions of fruit, as well as molasses, liquorice and brown sugar. Sweet on the palate with a smooth mouth feel, light roastiness suggestive of chocolate and coffee, with sweetness much in evidence on the finish. Low hop character.
    Wheat Beer


    ABV Range: 4.3-5.6%
    SRM: 12-25
    Color is dark amber to dark brown, and the body should be light to medium in character. Aromatic roasty aroma, toffee-like, caramel, chocolate, coffee or biscuit-like characters may be part of the overall flavor and aroma profile.


    ABV Range: varies
    SRM: 5-30
    Includes Weizenbock and Weizendoppelbock.
    Spices, raisin fruit, baked bananas and cloves; light chocolate notes if dark malts used; brisk carbonation.

    American Style Wheat Beer

    ABV Range: 4-8%
    SRM: 3-15
    Straw to amber; crisp and refreshing, despite name no cloves and banana notes from Weizen should be present; bready and lemony notes on palate and aroma; hop character can veer from low to high, but bitterness is moderate; darker versions might have some caramel and light roast notes; clean tasting; can be made with lager yeast and also have less than 50% of wheat malt.

    Bavarian Style Hefeweiss

    ABV Range: 4.8-5.9%
    SRM: 2-20
    Straw to amber. Hazy. Banana and cloves on the nose with a champagne-like spritziness evident in some; palate is continuation of the bananas and cloves with a medium to high carbonation, can also have an oily texture, finishes cleanly with a sweep of bananas and cloves once more; some caramel notes can be allowed but no roast.


    ABV Range: 4.8-5.6%
    SRM: 2-9
    Straw to amber; clear. Has a cleaner nose than its Hefeweiss cousin, banana and cloves are still evident but much more restrained. Palate is prickly with carbonation on the tongue, and yet again restrained banana and cloves notes followed by a dry finish.

    Belgian Style Witbier

    ABV Range: 4-7%
    SRM: 2-4
    Pale straw to light gold; hazy. Spicy, herby nose that is reminiscent of cloves and crushed coriander seed, though banana-like esters and rich orange notes can also be noted. On palate tends to be spicy and almost peppery, with the use of traditional spices such as coriander seeds and curaçao orange peel alongside others such as lemon zest, bergamot, cardamom and ginger. Dry finish with lingering spice.

    Hoppy Wheat Beer

    ABV Range: Varies
    SRM: Varies
    Weizen and Witbier that have been dry hopped, with their usual characteristics still present but integrated with a higher hop profile.

    Design categories

    Bottle Design
    This design category includes only singular bottles without outer packaging. It does include any decorative items such as neck tags or collars. The overall design, including closure, of the glass or PET bottle: shape, colour, functionality and any embossing, decorative finishes, coatings, or direct printed elements as well as visual appeal will be assessed in this category.
    Bottle Label Design
    Bottle Range
    A brand design carried across a range of bottles, consisting of a minimum of 3 bottles of different expressions.
    Can Design
    All design elements will be considered including functionality, can shape, texture, printing/labelling.
    Can Label Design
    Can Range
    A brand design carried across a range of cans, consisting of a minimum of 3 cans of different expressions.
    Gift Packs
    This category is designed to cater for all on shelf gift packs. These can be either gift packs containing individual bottles with packaging and accessories (such as glassware) or multi-product sets, including miniatures.
    Label Design
    This includes all aspects of on-bottle or can brand/product communication, including the application of any direct printing capsule or closure, as well as paper and film labels and sleeves. This will be judged on the overall design and quality of materials, print, decoration and application.
    Limited Edition
    This category applies to designs where the number produced was limited, such as for a special production, occasion or season. This can include individual bottles/cans as well as bottles/cans with outer packaging. This does not include gift packs or special edition designs, which should be entered separately.
    Multipack Design
    The shelf-ready outer packaging containing a multi-buy of, for example, 3, 6, 8 or 12 bottles or cans.
    New Launch
    Packaging for a new product launched after August 1, 2023. This must be a new product, not a re-design of an existing product. Redesigns, please see the redesign/relaunch category.
    Redesign / Relaunch
    This category refers to a new or refreshed packaging design created for an existing product and introduced to the market after 1 August 2023. A picture or sample of the previous packaging must be supplied along with a description of what changes have been made and why.
    Secondary Outer Packaging
    This applies to the secondary, outer, presentation packaging, such as cartons, boxes, cases, plinths, chests etc. The presentation will be judged on the overall effect with the bottle in place. This does not include gift packs or speciality designs, which should be entered separately.
    Special Edition Design
    This category is for speciality designs or ‘one off’ productions which have been exclusively designed for a very special occasion, are very limited and mostly in a higher price range. Must contain outer packaging. Sale is extremely selected and not generally available.

    The judging process


    Round One
    Each beer is tasted in its relevant style to identify and select the style winner in each country. With specialist tasting panels, consisting of international beer experts, the following countries will be judged in country:

    • Brazil

    • Canada

    • Chile

    • Germany

    • Japan

    Round Two and Three
    All Country style winners are tasted against each other to identify the Best in each style worldwide. The winners in each style then compete for the title World’s Best in one of the 10 categories.


    All design judging is conducted by a panel of leading international design.

    Winner Presentation

    The Country winners as well as all medal winners will be presented in August.


    Good news, the shipping for the World Beer Awards 2024 is now open!

    1. Our shipping service
    Our shipping service is made with security and simplicity in mind—once you have packed your products, we’ll take over from there.

    Shipping is easy, simply access your online profile, enter your products, complete the shipping form provided and complete with payment. When we have received the payment, we will arrange everything for you. The entire process is carefully controlled and tracked by us, if you have any questions on the status of your entries, we will be able to provide you with all the information you need.

    Our shipping service includes all charges, from transport costs to duties and all clearance documents. There are no surprise charges, once you have paid the initial shipment costs, there is nothing further to pay.

    *Italy & France
    The World Drinks Awards has collection depots in Italy and France. You will be provided with all details once your shipment is booked, but you will need to ensure you deliver your entries to the local depot yourself. The transport costs for which are not part of the shipping fee.

    2. Ship your products yourself
    If you wish to ship your samples yourself, please ensure that all customs, clearance and any associated costs have been paid. We are unable to assist with EADs. If any costs have not been paid and/or charged by the couriers to the World Beer Awards, we can either not accept the shipment or will have to invoice any costs occurred, including an administration fee (see terms and conditions).

    3. In person deliveries
    We also accept in-person deliveries. Please contact us prior to delivery to ensure a member of our team is ready to meet you and collect your shipment.

    Quantities required
    We can accept cans, bottles or growlers.

    Taste entries
    If you have entered design as well there is no need to provide additional samples.

  • 8 x 750ml Bottles/Cans/Growlers

  • 12 x 450ml Bottles/Cans/Growlers

  • 16 x 330ml Bottles/Cans/Growlers

  • Design only

  • 2 x Bottles/Cans/Growlers

  • Delivery information will only be provided once you have entered your products. All available services are subject to courier availability and may change. On occasion we are unable to provide the service due to internal situations.


    For specific enquiries, please contact us directly.

    Rene Aduan Junior & Roberta Hummel

    Chris Flaskamp

    The Team @ Whisk-e

    All other countries
    The Awards Team
    +44 (0)1603 633 808


    Entry fees

    Note: price is for each entry
     1 entry2 entries3 entries4 entries5 entries6+ entries
    Taste & Design£256 + VAT£251 + VAT£246 + VAT£241 + VAT£236 + VAT£231 + VAT
    Design only£67 + VAT
    Taste only£189 + VAT£184 + VAT£179 + VAT£174 + VAT£169 + VAT£164 + VAT
    Taste & Design€301.5€291.5€286.5€281.5€275.5€265.5
    Design only€76.5
    Taste only€225€215€210€205€199€189
    Taste & Design$315$307$301$295$289$283
    Design only$80
    Taste only$235$227$221$215$209$203
    Canadian Dollar
    Taste & Design$411$400$396$390$384$379
    Design only$83
    Taste only$328$317$313$307$301$296
    Japanese Yen
    Taste & Design¥33280¥32180¥31355¥30253¥29315¥27280
    Design only¥5805
    Taste only¥27475¥26375¥25550¥24448¥23510¥21475

    Terms & conditions

    • Products must be sent by prepaid post and be received by the Shipping Date listed.

    • Entries are only accepted on a completed online entry form with the appropriate entry fee.

    • If an entry is withdrawn by the Due Date (or disqualified), the entry fee will be returned subject to an administration charge of 50% of the entry fee. Products will be made available for collection at the entrant’s expense or retained by the Organiser if not collected within eight weeks of the due date. Due Date is the entry deadline.

    • If an entry is withdrawn after the Due Date, no refunds will be given. This includes entries for which product has not been received.

    • Payment in full is required before judging commences.

    • Substitutions of entries is possible, but needs to be communicated to the World Beer Awards prior to the Due Date.

    • If you are shipping your entries yourself, please ensure that all customs, clearance and any associated costs have been paid in advance. If these costs are not paid, the World Beer Awards will invoice any costs occurred, including an administration fee. If these costs remain unpaid, the World Beer Awards are unable to accept the entries.

    • The judges’ decision on all matters is final.

    • The Organisers may, at their discretion, refuse to accept an entry.

    • The Organisers may alter the closing date for the awards, place an entry in the most appropriate style, rule that an entry may not compete or is ineligible to compete, or alter the date, time or place on or at which the awards are scheduled to take place.

    • The Chair of Judges has the power to disqualify any entry not deemed as meeting the entry criteria.

    • These rules are governed by the laws of the UK.

    • Please note, bottles are unable to be returned. Our policy on unreturned bottles is as follows:

      • Opened bottles may be poured at trade and consumer events to promote the individual brand, or included in a charity bottling, the proceeds of which are distributed to charity.

      • Closed bottles may be distributed to individual charities on a case by basis, or presented for auction, all proceeds of which are distributed to charity.